Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider recovery plans that drive ecological, social and economic growth
Implementing recovery

Finland’s ‘Sustainable Growth Program: Recovery Plan’ sets out the reforms and public investment projects that aim to boost “competitiveness, investment, skills development and research, and innovation”. The overall objectives of the programme are:

  • “Decrease greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Productivity growth;
  • Raising the employment rate;
  • Faster accessibility to care;
  • Progress in equality”

This recovery plan has recently been submitted to the EU Commission for review. The plan is not yet approved, however, this lesson offers an insight into Finland’s Recovery and Resilience priorities. The programme is built around four key pillars:

  • “A green transition to support structural adjustment of the economy and underpin a carbon-neutral welfare society;
  • Digitalisation and a digital economy to strengthen productivity and increase access to services;
  • Raising the employment rate and skill levels to accelerate sustainable growth;
  • Access to health and social services will be improved and their cost-effectiveness enhanced”
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Consider how different countries are stimulating a 'Green Recovery'
Living sustainably

CarbonBrief have developed an interactive grid where you can explore and track the progress of how different countries across the world are implementing green recovery and renewal plans which aim to cut emissions in the aftermath of COVID-19. Below, we offer some examples of diverse initiatives from across the world:

  • France allocated funding to “promote and support environmental performance” in their food and agricultural sector, e.g. funding to support farmers to adapt their farming systems to lower their impact on the environment. France have also allocated funding to create over 1,000 “eco-responsible restaurants in rural communities”, along with investment in “energy efficiency of public and private buildings, social housing, insulation and low-carbon heating”
  • Sweden allocated investment to raise the “energy performance of Sweden’s housing stock and to support improvements in rental properties”
  • Finland plan to “phase out oil heating in both households and public buildings” and allocated funding to the “wood constriction programme which promotes the use of timber by enhancing industry expertise, developing legislation and building regulations, and providing factual information”
  • Chile have committed to plant trees on 24,000 hectares of land and invest in better fire management as part of its “mitigation and adaptation commitments related to forests and biodiversity”. Chile will also have invested in modernisation and irrigation projects for farmers, as part of the COVID-19 budget response
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