Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider the safety of shut down facilities with hazardous substances on site
Environmental health

Shut down and start-up processes at facilities need special attention to prevent accidents. Consider:

  • If the shutdown is for a longer or undetermined duration then the operator needs to be aware of safety measures which should be taken
  • Some hazardous materials degrade over time. These inventories need to be minimised and their situation monitored
  • Nitrogen blanketing to protect against explosive atmospheres should be maintained
  • Any loss of electrical power during the period of shut down may affect any systems that need to be maintained in operation (e.g. cooling, ventilation, pumping, stirring)
  • Some processes, such as the storage of refrigerated gases, depend on a regular rate of consumption to maintain safe operating pressures. Reduced consumption due to a shutdown must be assessed and appropriate measures taken
  • Warehouses that are not opened regularly may heat up due to external temperatures and absorption of solar radiation. This can lead to the release of hazardous materials or the build-up of hazardous atmospheres within the warehouse
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