Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider ways to remember and memorialise those who have died due to COVID-19
Health and wellbeing

Important parts of recovery are mourning the loss of loved ones, and remembering those who have tragically lost their lives through the pandemic. Consider opportunities to memorialise, including:

  • Develop a website dedicated to those who have died during the pandemic, allowing families to create obituaries, find a network of support, and help those who may feel alone in their grief
  • Hold online memorial services to enable people to come together and remember loved ones
  • Build and dedicate a memorial to those who have died, e.g. St Paul's Cathedral will build an inner portico at the North Transept and dedicate it as a physical memorial to those who have died due to COVID-19
  • Invite those of all faiths and none to join in remembering loved ones to offer a safe and inclusive space of refuge, solace and hope

To ensure appropriate memorialisation, consider:

  • coproduction of memorialisation options with communities
  • collaboration with partners that specialise in supporting those who have been affected by bereavement
  • whether the memorial is to those who have died, those who have been otherwise affected by the crisis, and/or those who have helped in the response to the crisis
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