Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider the impacts of COVID-19 on LGBT+ people
Vulnerable people

LGTBIQ+ people have a number of vulnerabilities. Consider:

  • LGBTIQ+ people are less likely to have safe homes and are at a higher risk of homelessness (especially young people) and are at a high risk of domestic abuse
  • The impacts of losing safe community spaces and the additional mental health impacts of this
  • The complications with access to healthcare which can be especially hard for trans people who have specific medical needs
  • The use of test, track and trace facilities for this vulnerable group. In South Korea a new wave of infections have been attributed to 3,000 people attending clubs that accommodated the LGBTIQ+ community. But only half of people in attendance have gone for testing, due to fears that doing so would reveal their sexuality. Confidence in personal safety and confidentiality is paramount in track, trace and treat processes
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