Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider that strategic renewal should address different aspects of the environment
Planning and use of public spaces

This includes the built environment including buildings and roads and green spaces, like parks. Consider how future development of the environment can mitigate possible resurgence of COVID-19 infection by providing space to better facilitate social distancing. Consider:

  • Incorporate into planning approval, criteria that new housing development proposals should include green space including 'green roofs' or communal gardens and squares
  • Incorporate into planning approval, criteria that new building developments do not reduce public walkways - indeed, they should look to expand public walkways
  • Use abandoned spaces as pocket parks (with limitations on the number of people allowed in together)
  • Temporarily close roads to provide more walking space


This lesson was contributed by a Chief Resilience Officer in the Netherlands during project data collection.

Source link(s):
  • Netherlands

Consider how to continue to benefit from reduced traffic as a result of lockdown
Planning and use of public spaces

Cities such as Milan, Italy are developing strategies to retain street space from cars, providing 35km (22 miles) of transformed streets to accommodate an experimental citywide expansion of cycling and walking space to protect residents as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. The Strade Aperte plan includes low-cost temporary cycle lanes, new and widened pavements, 30kph (20mph) speed limits, and pedestrian and cyclist priority streets. The locations include a low traffic neighbourhood on the site of the former Lazzaretto.

Similar plans for investments in bicycle-friendly infrastructure is being considered in the Netherlands, with a focus on expansion of the programme in cities and suburbs.

Reference: Chief Resilience Officer, Netherlands

Source link(s):
  • Netherlands