Lessons for Resilience
Consider advising international travellers on how to travel safely and arrive into the destination country
As countries begin to open their border to international travel, there is much to consider, not least the information provided to travellers before they leave your country, as they travel, and as they enter your country.
Information provided to travellers before they leave their country is key, so travellers can prepare themselves to travel to an overseas destination with the right supplies and knowing the expected behaviours. This is especially important during COVID-19 where countries have differing regulations regarding social distancing, travel within the country, and fines. Consider providing a government-issued ‘safer travel information sheet’[1] and advising travellers to download it before they leave the country. The information sheet could cover:
- Travel advisory for the country they are to visit
- Behaviours and supplies needed for COVID safe travel and at the destination e.g. face masks
- How to travel safely on all legs of the trip (from home to final destination) e.g. not arriving too early at departure points, ticketing, parking
- Expectations for safe travel practices such as social distancing, required face coverings and when/how to wear masks
- Tips for travelling using all types of transport e.g. cars, aircraft, ferries
- Exemptions for people e.g. who does not need to wear a face covering
- Where to find more information, key contacts and their contact information
The travel industry has a central role in advising travellers of travel-related and destination-specific COVID-19 information. The travel industry can provide advice to:[2], [3]
- Prepare travellers for practical departure and arrival procedures e.g. temperature sensors, health declaration forms
- Practice COVID-19 behaviours whilst travelling e.g. mask wearing, personal interactions, expectations on children and infirm
- Provide up to date information to travellers on the COVID-19 situation in the arrival country and how to access current information during their stay
- Identify what travellers should do if they suspect they have symptoms during their stay and before they travel home
- Inform travellers of mandatory acts on arrival, such as registering or downloading a mandated track and trace phone app
- Educate travellers on the local expectation for behaving safely in the country and local means of enforcement
- Detail what travellers should do on arrival e.g. quarantine, self-isolation, in the case of a local lockdown
- Where to find more information, key contacts and their contact information
- Penalties for non-compliance with local requirements for COVID-19
When travellers land in a different country, or even return to their home country, they may not have updated information or knowledge about COVID-19 transmission, or the local expectations or regulations put in place to encourage safe behaviours. Instead travellers may have COVID-19 practices that do not align with the expectations of the country they are in, so need information to make adjustments so they can live by the county’s current protocols and legislation.[4] So that travellers arriving into your country are able to act according to local advice, consider how to update travellers on practices they should follow, covering[5], [6], [7]:
- Major local developments on the virus
- The impact of those developments on new behaviours, expectations, curfews, etc.
- Information on the sorts of services that are available, including holiday-related and travel
- Information on regulations, behaviours, practices and expectations e.g. quarantine, self-isolation, track and trace procedures
- Information on residence permits and visas
- Information on onward travel, transiting through the country and returning home
- Where to find more information, key contacts and their contact information
Appropriate channels should be considered to share this information with travellers e.g. travel providers, travel infrastructure providers, hotels.
[2] https://www.airfrance.co.uk/GB/en/common/page_flottante/information/faq-coronavirus.htm
[3] https://travelupdates.abudhabiairport.ae/home
[5] https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/einreiseundaufenthalt/coronavirus
[6] https://www.government.nl/topics/coronavirus-covid-19/tourism-in-the-netherlands
United Arab Emirates