Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider strategies to manage and mitigate the rise in black markets for negative COVID-19 tests
Economic strategy

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, people around the world have been utilising black markets to purchase negative COVID-19 test results to enable them to travel. False negative COVID test certificates have been sold for around $300 USD. Systems which email test results can be easily bypassed by downloading and doctoring documents e.g. changing the date of the test, name and test result. Consider how to manage and mitigate proliferation of false negative test results:

  • In Hawaii, only results from approved testing partners will be accepted, and they must be transmitted digitally, rather than using emails
  • Utilising apps that centralize health and lab data and test/vaccination results e.g. CommonPass, trialled by United Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways
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