Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider steps to reduce or mitigate the effects of disinformation concerning COVID-19
Strategic communications

By circulating through social media, encrypted messaging services, online discussion boards and face to face interaction. To achieve this, organisations might consider:

  • Identifying fake news and actively debunking it on own social media accounts and public display boards
  • Closely monitor automated systems for errors. In Australia the CovidSafe App alarmed and confused users with a message telling them that they had contracted coronavirus when trying to upload their information, despite not being tested. Additionally, in Ukraine, residents attacked busses with evacuees from China after a hoax email falsely attributed to the Ministry of Health suggested some carried the virus
  • Supporting the public to think critically about, question and fact-check information they receive
  • Working with community leaders to circulate useful, accurate information
  • Monitoring and evaluating the impact of their own communication strategy, possibly working with partners such as universities to undertake social media analytics
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