Recovery, Renewal, Resilience

Lessons for Resilience

Consider how to mitigate a deepening digital divide in education
Telecommunications and digital

The impacts of COVID-19 have seen millions of children worldwide lose months of face-to-face education with their teachers at school. Globally, children continue to be sent home from school due to outbreaks or face complete school closure. The availability of adequate digital technology and internet access at home has a huge impact on the ability of children to engage in e-learning. The rapid shift to e-learning prompted by the pandemic has resurfaced long-standing issues of inequality, including the digital divide once bridged by schools. Consider:

  • Shortening online lessons by a small margin to create a space for one-to-one discussions or problem solving with tutors that are often missing when lessons go online
  • Household disparities in access to the internet and technology and the impacts this may have on girls. If there is competition in the home over resources it may be that the male child is given priority access while girls are increasingly asked to support with domestic chores rather than complete school work. Consider how schools can be supported in providing technology or access to technology to vulnerable children
  • Ensure teachers are trained to use new technology for online teaching. This includes making use of more innovative modes of engagement beyond a lecture e.g. interactive voting, message boards etc.
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